Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Five Key Steps to choosing a great business incomes 4 u with a new career

The Five Key Steps to choosing a great business incomes 4 u with a new career

The Five Key Steps to choosing a great business incomes 4 u with a new career:-
I have been helping people in Ireland and the UK, in increasing your business incomes 4 u,  so I am now I have a way for you to check out your new career options and how to look at this properly, which is my job.
I don’t know if this, is right for you or not at this time…
you can start exploring your options here at Business Incomes 4U

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Where else would U get €26/hr?

Where else would U get €26/hr?
Gerry, I got today 19 order (customer base) from 80 cat €440 - 5hr work €130 profit!!! :-)

Mariya came to me a few years ago and asked me to help her earn extra income to support her family.

Now Mariya had very poor English so I had to communicate through her 8 year old daughter. I showed her how she could make good income by working alongside me in my Great Profits Team.
Mariya is a great student and learned fast how to make good money working part time from home.
Now she is willing to show and teach you.

--    Ps Winner's Take Action! I Believe You are a Winner! (Do You?) PS  you can also visit our working from home web  site http://www.workingfromhome.ie/ or if you love earning lots  of money go to http://www.earnmoney.ie  and request information and Quote the Ref no if  any or where you seen our advert   You chat with me on any of these  u4wealth on Yahoo messenger greatprofits on Skype UrTopCoach on MSN Chat Google Talk Gerry Melanephy mentoring4success@gmail.com Millionaire Makers ON ICQ Follow me on Twitter http://twitter.com/Mentor4Success   PPs   <>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>   Choose a career you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. Looking for a new career to love, or to own your life,  and  "Let's make a difference in the people we meet today"     email <i>ownyourlife@eircom.net<i/a> or  ICQ no 231-712-210 or  you may call Ger today 00353 87-2237086 or  you can catch up with me on www.skype.com that's how you can  talk to your friends anywhere for free and you talk to me by  typing in greatprofits in the search for Skype friends  and we know your best friend would love to check this  out and you may pass this to your friend... :-)    <>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>   . . . . PPPs  This is life changing if you really realise how little you  have left, have a watch of this powerfull video and see how  lucky you are to have access to this project that I am  working on and I will share it with you, so you will have  the opportunity to change other people's lives  http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8577255250907450469&hl=en-GB   Gerry   ########### yes it's in the numbers,  what is left in your tank....   . . . .

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

did ya see the free car on this offer...

Give me a call and I will show you how you have a greater chance to grab this fab car for yourself or a team member?

• Create MASSIVE volume, which could triple your income
• Improve your confidence
• Create customers for LIFE
• Increase customer spend
• Introduce everyone to High Performance Retail Habits
• Win a Mini (increased volume could mean sales plan success which means being in the Kleeneze LIVE! @ NIA prize draw!)

Sponsoring incentive continues! see special offers...

Who Do YOU Want In YOUR Team?

read all about it here and a whole lot more for you inside

See you inside

--  Ps  How You Can Make Great Money As Home Shopping Consultant Working  Less Than 30 Hours A Week starting Part time without affecting present  situation No experience required as full training provided.   Call Gerry or Text HSC€63K+.  plus your name plus address to  087-2237086  Email <i>mentor4success@eircom.net<i/a>     Rich people choose to get paid based on results.      Poor people choose to get paid based on time."     -  T. Harv Eker   "Successful people are always looking for opportunities      to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking,      What's in it for me?'."     -  Brian Tracy         “Formal education will make you a living;    self-education will make you a fortune.” Jim Rohn  Hey, have you seen this new training site for home business owners yet? http://mentor4success.blogspot.com/  http://GreatProfits.magneticsponsoringonline.com The videos are really good.  Best wishes, Gerry Melanephy 00353872237086  Winner's Take Action! I Believe You are a Winner! (Do You?) PS  you can also visit our working from home web  site http://www.workingfromhome.ie/ or if you love earning lots  of money go to http://www.earnmoney.ie  and request information and Quote the Ref no if  any or where you seen our advert   You chat with me on any of these  u4wealth on Yahoo messenger greatprofits on Skype UrTopCoach on MSN Chat Google Talk Gerry Melanephy mentoring4success@gmail.com Millionaire Makers ON ICQ Follow me on Twitter http://twitter.com/Mentor4Success  <>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>   

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Acres of Diamonds

Ah I see the newest circus has hit town, and if ya get in quick ya can
be the next richest clown in town :-)
oyi they call it the genieee.... and they tell me I have to get in quick
as the last guy in loses his shirt...

In all the time I have been in our great industry I have seen a lot of
these fast buck money schemes come and
go just as fast and only one or two smart guys make any decent money and
everyone else never do enough to
even make back what they invested.

And you know what, the guys promoting this gennie thingmajig are the
same guys as tried 13 other fast buck
ideas and the sad part they pitch the same people again and these people
jump in again looking for something
for doing little or in most cases no work.

Well I don't know about making money for no work, all I know is:-

1. You find a company that will out last you!
2. You find products that are universal and everyone wants to buy and
can afford to buy?
3. Is there a Pay plan that will pay you now and pay you long term,
which will give you a career?
4. Is the timing right for you to change direction?
5. Will you get the support and training you will need to be successful?
If you can put ticks against all 5 key steps,
that is the company you should join.

Now I found only one after many false starts.
I wish you the very best of luck or more likely your hard earned money
trying to find another company in
the UK or Ireland that meets all 5 key steps...

Maybe we should all read the book "Acres of Diamonds" again,
oh you don't say you are in this industry and
you have not even read this great book on "MONEY"

choose a new career over here today


Winner's Take Action! I Believe You are a Winner! (Do You?)
you can also visit our working from home web
site http://www.workingfromhome.ie/ or if you love earning lots
of money go to http://www.earnmoney.ie
and request information and Quote the Ref no if
any or where you seen our advert

You chat with me on any of these
u4wealth on Yahoo messenger
greatprofits on Skype
UrTopCoach on MSN Chat
Millionaire Makers ON ICQ
Follow me on Twitter http://twitter.com/Mentor4Success



Choose a career you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.
Looking for a new career to love, or to own your life, and
"Let's make a difference in the people we meet today"

email <i>ownyourlife@eircom.net<i/a> or
ICQ no 231-712-210 or
you may call Ger today 00353 87-2237086 or
you can catch up with me on www.skype.com that's how you can
talk to your friends anywhere for free and you talk to me by
typing in greatprofits in the search for Skype friends

and we know your best friend would love to check this
out and you may pass this to your friend... :-)



This is life changing if you really realise how little you
have left, have a watch of this powerfull video and see how
lucky you are to have access to this project that I am
working on and I will share it with you, so you will have
the opportunity to change other people's lives



########### yes it's in the numbers,
what is left in your tank....

Monday, June 14, 2010

so you feel you have the ideal B.u.s.i.n.e.s.s

So what makes you think you have the ideal B.u.s.i.n.e.s.s
a friend email me this and its spot on..

AH PERFECTION: Strange, but the most popular, the most widely-requested, and the most widely quoted piece I've ever written was not about the stock market -- it was about business, and specifically about what I call the theoretical "ideal business." I first published this piece in the early-1970s. I repeated it in Letter 881 and then again in Letter 982. I've added a few thoughts in each successive edition. But seldom does a month go by when I don't get requests from subscribers or from some publication or corporation to republish "the ideal business." So here it is again -- with a few added comments.

I once asked a friend, a prominent New York corporate lawyer, "Dave, in all your years of experience, what was the single best business you've ever come across?" Without hesitation, Dave answered, "I have a client whose sole business is manufacturing a chemical that is critical in making synthetic rubber. This chemical is used in very small quantities in rubber manufacturing, but it is absolutely essential and can be used in only super-refined form.
"My client is the only one who manufactures this chemical. He therefore owns a virtual monopoly since this chemical is extremely difficult to manufacture and not enough of it is used to warrant another company competing with him. Furthermore, since the rubber companies need only small quantities of this chemical, they don't particularly care what they pay for it -- as long as it meets their very demanding specifications. My client is a millionaire many times over, and his business is the best I've ever come across." I was fascinated by the lawyer's story, and I never forgot it.

When I was a young man and just out of college my father gave me a few words of advice. Dad had loads of experience; he had been in the paper manufacturing business; he had been assistant to Mr. Sam Bloomingdale (of Bloomingdale's Department store); he had been in construction (he was a civil engineer); and he was also an expert in real estate management.

Here's what my dad told me: "Richard, stay out of the retail business. The hours are too long, and you're dealing with every darn variable under the sun. Stay out of real estate; when hard times arrive real estate comes to a dead stop and then it collapses. Furthermore, real estate is illiquid. When the collapse comes, you can't unload. Get into manufacturing; make something people can use. And make something that you can sell to the world. But Richard, my boy, if you're really serious about making money, get into the money business. It's clean, you can use your brains, you can get rid of your inventory and your mistakes in 30 seconds, and your product, money, never goes out of fashion."

So much for my father's wisdom (which was obviously tainted by the Great Depression). But Dad was a very wise man. For my own part, I've been in a number of businesses -- from textile designing to advertising to book publishing to owning a night club to the investment advisory business.

It's said that every business needs (1) a dreamer, (2) a businessman, and (3) a S.O.B. Well, I don't know about number 3, but most successful businesses do have a number 3 or all too often they seem to have a combined number 2 and number 3.

Bill Gates is known as "America's richest man." Bully for Billy. But do you know what Gates' biggest coup was? When Gates was dealing with IBM, Big Blue needed an operating system for their computer. Gates didn't have one, but he knew where to find one. A little outfit in Seattle had one. Gates bought the system for a mere $50,000 and presented it to IBM. That was the beginning of Microsoft's rise to power. Lesson: It's not enough to have the product, you have to know and understand your market. Gates didn't have the product, but he knew the market -- and he knew where to acquire the product.

Apple had by far the best product in the Mac. But Apple made a monumental mistake. They refused to license ALL PC manufacturers to use the Mac operating system. If they had, Apple today could be  Microsoft, and Gates would still be trying to come out with something useful (the fact is Microsoft has been a follower and a great marketer, not an innovator). "Find a need and fill it," runs the old adage. Maybe today they should change that to, "Dream up a need and fill it." That's what has happened in the world of computers. And it will happen again and again.
All right, let's return to that wonderful world of perfection. I spent a lot of time and thought in working up the criteria for what I've termed the IDEAL BUSINESS. Now obviously, the ideal business doesn't exist and probably never will. But if you're about to start a business or join someone else's business or if you want to buy a business, the following list may help you. The more of these criteria that you can apply to your new business or new job, the better off you'll be.
(1) The ideal business sells the world, rather than a single neighborhood or even a single city or state. In other words, it has an unlimited global market (and today this is more important than ever, since world markets have now opened up to an extent unparalleled in my lifetime).
By the way, how many times have you seen a retail store that has been doing well for years -- then another bigger and better retail store moves nearby, and it's kaput for the first store.
(2) The ideal business offers a product which enjoys an "inelastic" demand. Inelastic refers to a product that people need or desire -- almost regardless of price.
(3) The ideal business sells a product which cannot be easily substituted or copied. This means that the product is an original or at least it's something that can be copyrighted or patented.
(4) The ideal business has minimal labour requirements (the fewer personnel, the better).
Today's example of this is the much-talked about "virtual corporation."
The virtual corporation may consist of an office with three executives, where literally all manufacturing and services are farmed out to other companies.
(5) The ideal business enjoys low overheads. It does not need an expensive location; it does not need large amounts of electricity, advertising, legal advice, high-priced employees, large inventory, etc.
(6) The ideal business does not require big cash outlays or major investments in equipment.
In other words, it does not tie up your capital (incidentally, one of the major reasons for new-business failure is under-capitalization).
(7) The ideal business enjoys cash billings. In other words, it does not tie up your capital with lengthy or complex credit terms.
(8) The ideal business is relatively free of all kinds of government and industry regulations and strictures (and if you're now in your own business, you most definitely know what I mean with this one).
(9) The ideal business is portable or easily moveable. This means that you can take your business (and yourself) anywhere you want -- Nevada, Florida, Texas, Washington, S. Dakota (none have state income taxes) or hey, maybe even Monte Carlo or Switzerland or the south of France.
(10) Here's a crucial one that's often overlooked; the ideal business satisfies your intellectual (and often emotional) needs. There's nothing like being fascinated with what you're doing. When that happens, you're not working, you're having fun.
(11) The ideal business leaves you with free time. In other words, it doesn't require your labour and attention 12, 16 or 18 hours a day (my lawyer wife, who leaves the house at 6:30 AM and comes home at 6:30 PM and often later, has been well aware of this one).
(12) Super-important: the ideal business is one in which your income is not limited by your personal output (lawyers and doctors and dentists and  most self employed have this problem). No, in the ideal business you can sell 10,000 customers as easily as you sell one (publishing is an example).

That's it. If you use this list it may help you cut through a lot of nonsense and hypocrisy and wishes and dreams regarding what you are looking for in life and in your work. None of us own or work at the ideal business. But it's helpful knowing what we're looking for and dealing with.
As a buddy of mine once put it, "I can't lay an egg and I can't cook, but I know what a great omelet looks like and tastes like."

 that's why this works time and time again http://www.earnmoney.ie

--    Ps Winner's Take Action! I Believe You are a Winner! (Do You?) PS  you can also visit our working from home web  site http://www.workingfromhome.ie/ or if you love earning lots  of money go to http://www.earnmoney.ie  and request information and Quote the Ref no if  any or where you seen our advert   You chat with me on any of these  u4wealth on Yahoo messenger greatprofits on Skype UrTopCoach on MSN Chat Millionaire Makers ON ICQ Follow me on Twitter http://twitter.com/Mentor4Success   PPs   <>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>   Choose a career you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. Looking for a new career to love, or to own your life,  and  "Let's make a difference in the people we meet today"     email <i>ownyourlife@eircom.net<i/a> or  ICQ no 231-712-210 or  you may call Ger today 00353 87-2237086 or  you can catch up with me on www.skype.com that's how you can  talk to your friends anywhere for free and you talk to me by  typing in greatprofits in the search for Skype friends  and we know your best friend would love to check this  out and you may pass this to your friend... :-)    <>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>   . . . . PPPs  This is life changing if you really realise how little you  have left, have a watch of this powerfull video and see how  lucky you are to have access to this project that I am  working on and I will share it with you, so you will have  the opportunity to change other people's lives  http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8577255250907450469&hl=en-GB   Gerry   ########### yes it's in the numbers,  what is left in your tank....   . . . .

Get out of all common stocks except...

Hi Guys
some very simple advice, so go do your own research on how it affects your financial future

if you have not got a 2nd string to your bow, then you should also check this out for your immediate benefit


Richard Russell on the markets. Get out of all common stocks except PM's.

This is the same advice he gave as we headed into the 2008 market swoon. Anybody who took that advice emerged in reasonably good shape. 
This is a paid service so I will only post an extract. I strongly recommend a sub to everybody who wants to understand the internal mechanics of the market.

Richard has been doing this on a daily basis since about 1957 & is the best in the business IMO. 
I have cut & pasted this so it doesn't include the charts mentioned. 

Finally, it's happening. The stock market has "lost its mind." The poor thing is falling apart, when every sane investor knows that the market "should be" going up as it discounts the almost certain better economy that lies ahead. Then I remember that the stock market reflects what everybody knows about everything and anything that pertains to business and the forthcoming economy. So alas, the stock market has finally gone insane. It's not telling us what we already know. 

I search Saturday's Wall Street Journal and right on the front page I read, "The recovery is beating expectations as data show consumer and manufacturing strength." 

Then I look at the latest issue of Barron's (May 17) and right on the cover I read, "STRONGER THAN EVER, America's biggest companies are sitting on loads of cash and ready to earn higher profits than ever before. What it means for the economy, dividends and your investments." 

And I ask myself, "Am I seeing things? The April 26 high for the Dow was 11205.03. The Dow is selling as write at 10557 down 648 points from its April high. If business is even better than expected, then why is the Dow down over 600 points? And why, if there were 674 new highs on the NYSE on April 26, were there only 20 new highs on Friday, May 14? And if my PTI was 6133 on April 26, why is it down 17 points since its April high? 

The fact is that I've been seeing deterioration in the stock market ever since early-April, and this in the face of improving business news. The D-J Industrial Average is composed of 30 internationally known top-quality blue-chip stocks. These are 30 of "America's biggest companies." If Barron's is so bullish on the future of America's biggest companies, then why isn't the Dow advancing to new highs? 

Clearly something is wrong. But what could it be? Much as I love Barron's, I trust the stock market more. If I read the stock market correctly, it's telling me that there is a surprise ahead. And that surprise will be a reversal to the downside for the economy, plus a collection of other troubles ahead. 

About Dow Theory -- First, we saw the recent April highs in the Averages. Then we saw a plunge in both Averages to their May 7 lows -- Industrials to 10380.43, Transports to 4298.12, next a short rally. If ahead, the two Averages turn down and violate their May 7 lows, that would be the clincher. Such action would signal the certain resumption of the primary bear market. 

Just as for years I asked, cajoled, insisted, threatened, demanded, that my subscribers buy gold, I am now insisting, demanding, begging my subscribers to get OUT of stocks (including C and BYD, but not including golds) and get into cash or gold (bullion if possible). If the two Averages violate their May 7 lows, I see a major crash as the outcome. Pul - leeze, get out of stocks now, and I don't give a damn whether you have paper losses or paper profits! 

Question -- Russell, if you're so damn smart, then how is it that most of the economists and analysts disagree with you? The fact is that most experts are now bullish on both the economy and the stock market. 

Answer -- I think Washington and the economists have brain-washed themselves. They are so blasted anxious to be optimistic, they are all listening to each other and all thinking alike. And when everybody is thinking alike, nobody is thinking. 

Late Notes -- Another nasty and misleading day. Dow up, Trannies down. More "internal market" destruction. Breadth on the NYSE down. Down volume on the NYSE was 59% of up + down volume. My PTI was down 4 to 6112. MA was 6076, so my PTI is bullish by 36, lowest number in months. 

As we used to say, "What's the word, mocking bird?" The word, dear subscribers is "trouble ahead." 

Russell suggestion -- Do your friends a favor. Tell them to "batten down the hatches" because there's a HARD RAIN coming. Tell them to get out of debt and sell anything they can sell (and don't need) in order to get liquid. Tell them that Richard Russell says that by the end of this year they won't recognize the country. They'll retort, "How the dickens does Russell know -- who told him?" Tell them the stock market told him. 

And as we say a fond good bye to Monday, we look forward --

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Winner's Take Action! I Believe You are a Winner! (Do You?)
you can also visit our working from home web
site http://www.workingfromhome.ie/ or if you love earning lots
of money go to http://www.earnmoney.ie
and request information and Quote the Ref no if
any or where you seen our advert

You chat with me on any of these
u4wealth on Yahoo messenger
greatprofits on Skype
UrTopCoach on MSN Chat
Millionaire Makers ON ICQ
Follow me on Twitter http://twitter.com/Mentor4Success
Choose a career you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.
Looking for a new career to love, or to own your life,  and
"Let's make a difference in the people we meet today"

email <i>ownyourlife@eircom.net<i/a> or
ICQ no 231-712-210 or
you may call Ger today 00353 87-2237086 or
you can catch up with me on www.skype.com that's how you can
talk to your friends anywhere for free and you talk to me by
typing in greatprofits in the search for Skype friends

and we know your best friend would love to check this
out and you may pass this to your friend... :-)

This is life changing if you really realise how little you
have left, have a watch of this powerfull video and see how
lucky you are to have access to this project that I am
working on and I will share it with you, so you will have
the opportunity to change other people's lives



########### yes it's in the numbers,
what is left in your tank.... 

Monday, May 24, 2010


I would like to congratulate Mariya on the way she looks after customers.

So the clues to making money is here in this email.

When you got a Urgent Catalogue Request
how did you respond to it?


This is how Mariya reponds which is very professional.

Margaret Dunne

Hi Gerry,

The customer you sent me to look after place an order for 37 euro.

The order will be  delivered this week.

Kind regards,

Moya Doyle

Hi Gerry,

The customer you sent me to look after place an order for   22.50 euro.

The order has been delivered.

Kind regards,

Marie Driscoll

Hi Gerry,

The customer you sent me to look after place an order for  150  euro.

The order has been delivered.

Kind regards,


Andreea Rusu 

Hi Gerry,

The customer you sent me to look after was a Rumanian lady, did not place any order.

Kind regards,

Miriam Leonard

Hi Gerry,

The customer you sent me to look after was on holiday, got a text from her.

I`m keeping try to get in touch. Never get answer on the phone.

Kind regards,

J Farrell

Hi Gerry,


I left the catalogues at the address of the customer you sent me to look after.

She was not in, no contact tel.No.Will put more efforts to contact her again.

Kind regards,


Simi Ade
Hi Gerry,

The customer you sent me to look after, show interest in the opportunity,

sent her an email with the website and interactive catalogues.

She was not available to see her on Sunday, keep contacting her. 

Kind regards,


D Sheehan

Hi Gerry,

The customer you sent me to look after FROM .......... place an order for 37 euro.

The order has been delivered.

Kind regards,



Have you watched the DVD?

you can order it now

The feedback from Maynooth has been phenomenal, everything from;
  • Using the EzeCook cookbook to increase Customer sales
  • Outstanding success with 'HIGH PERFORMANCE RETAIL HABITS'
  • Planning using the '90 DAY PLAN'
  • Re-focusing on Hong Kong and
  • Getting that all important edge in life from reading the  'Slight EDGE'
We hope you have all the Information, Motivation & Inspiration to reach your GOALS for 2010 and beyond.
As I said, are on a 'JOURNEY', that began when you joined - the final destination is down to YOU, as is the effort and determination required.
Testimonials from Majella McGonagle and Linda Lee, and the powerful video Niall showed of Nick Vujicic

Gavin Scott gave you enough information to reach ANY Destination you desire -

There is NOTHING stopping you !!!!!

What about YOU ?

What's changed ?

What have you done differently ?

Please let us have YOUR feedback and we'll see you in Maynooth on the 4th of July

these customers in some cases were just 500 yards from existing Distributors....
most are within a few mile of you.

And I have more Urgent Catalogue Requests  that maybe in your backyard and if you
want they are yours just by getting back to me now and find out if they are near you.
These are all over Ireland.


some of these Urgent Catalogue Requests  have become Distributors, Now IMAGINE THIS....

and some of you think my customers will never want to make money....

Now you will want to discuss these topics and I am available to discuss any or all of the above just send me a
TEXT or better yet is give me a call on 0035387-2237086 and we will help you decide on your next step to your success.


--  Ps  How You Can Make Great Money As Home Shopping Consultant Working  Less Than 30 Hours A Week starting Part time without affecting present  situation No experience required as full training provided.   Call Gerry or Text HSC€63K+.  plus your name plus address to  087-2237086  Email <i>mentor4success@eircom.net<i/a>     Rich people choose to get paid based on results.      Poor people choose to get paid based on time."     -  T. Harv Eker   "Successful people are always looking for opportunities      to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking,      What's in it for me?'."     -  Brian Tracy         “Formal education will make you a living;    self-education will make you a fortune.” Jim Rohn  Hey, have you seen this new training site for home business owners yet? http://mentor4success.blogspot.com/  http://GreatProfits.magneticsponsoringonline.com The videos are really good.  Best wishes, Gerry Melanephy 00353872237086  Winner's Take Action! I Believe You are a Winner! (Do You?) PS  you can also visit our working from home web  site http://www.workingfromhome.ie/ or if you love earning lots  of money go to http://www.earnmoney.ie  and request information and Quote the Ref no if  any or where you seen our advert   You chat with me on any of these  u4wealth on Yahoo messenger greatprofits on Skype UrTopCoach on MSN Chat Millionaire Makers ON ICQ Follow me on Twitter http://twitter.com/Mentor4Success  <>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>   

Friday, April 23, 2010

Why is it?

ntitled document

A man wakes up after sleeping
under an ADVERTISED blanket
on an ADVERTISED mattress
and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas,
bathes in an ADVERTISED shower
shaves with an ADVERTISED razor
brushes his teeth
with an ADVERTISED toothpaste
washes with ADVERTISED soap
puts on ADVERTISED clothes
drinks a cup
of ADVERTISED coffee
drives to work in
and then...
refuses to ADVERTISE
believing it doesn't pay.
Later if business is poor
he ADVERTISES it for sale.


Learn how to advertise the right
way from the start at:


Please share this with family and
friends who are looking to advertise
their business... I can assist them!

Have a Great Day,

Gerry Melanephy

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Open day to increase your income

Hi Gerry here, you are invited to our Open Day.

We are opening this invitation to you as an associate, as you have expressed an serious interest in improving your income, so you need to reply today.

This is only for you if you want a new career either on a part time or full basis.

This is a work from home project and you can get more information when you attend the Open Day on Sunday 18th April. 
reply to mentor4success@eircom.net and Open Day in subject line

Monday, January 25, 2010

Lessons from last night’s game

Are we in this game to win or are we listening to the people who tell us every day that you can't win


yet a few short years ago this place was a major disaster zone

if you can feel this energy here
then get in the game of life and play as if your life depends on you been a winner
"What drives you?"


Lessons from last night's game

It was an honorable, hard-fought game. we won't gloat in victory.

Either team could have easily won.

I'm not going to say the best team won, but it is true that the team that got the
points on the scoreboard first when it mattered did – and there's a giant lesson
right there, and three related bonus ones for good measure:

=== Major-Lessons ===

Great team, great plan, great productivity etc. don't mean a thing if you're not putting points on the board.

Football – and business – is not about having the best stats.
It's about having the best business and that's calculated in sales made, profits
earned and taking money off the table (wealth, also known by the boring old word "savings.")

Three more related lessons:

1. Protect the quarterback

The Vikings did a pretty good job of that. The Saints did a GREAT job. It made all the difference in the world.

In business, this translates to "protect the boss."
In other words, if you work for somebody, WORK for them.
If you're the boss, expect respect and loyalty.

I see a whole lot of otherwise great leaders make this mistake.
They put their staff's well being first (good), they give their staff's credit (good),
but they're too lenient and tolerate less-than-stellar performance from employees.

This is bad for all kinds of reasons, but here's the key one:
Yes, business and football are team efforts, but neither is going anywhere
without a quarterback who is protected so he can do what he (or she) can uniquely do.

Three kinds of people

There are three kinds of people in the world:
1) people who know how to be respectful and loyal,
2) people who are learning, and
3) people who don't know, don't care and/or are genetically
incapable of things like honesty, integrity, and loyalty.

My advice as soon as you get the first whiff that someone is in the third category,
out they go, preferably head first.
(This includes "little" things like showing up late and not honoring simple commitments.)

As for folks in the second category (they're learning), make a clear decision as to
whether you want to invest your time and effort in mentoring them to become
fully functional human beings. It will be expensive, even it you're successful.

My take on this is? Let someone else teach them.

There are plenty of people who automatically and reflexively "protect the quarterback."
Why on earth have anyone else on your team?

2. Doing everything right "most" of the time is not good enough

Once you "get" the fundamentals and make applying them a reflex, the next thing is
to be on guard against mistakes. The Vikings did everything right, except for a few
bone-headed beginners' mistakes that cost them the game.

Top performers in the high-stakes business of commodity trading will tell you:
making money trading is not just about racking up huge profits.
It's also about being relentlessly vigilant and not accidentally giving away
the farm through careless blunders.

Sales-oriented entrepreneurs often fail to learn this lesson.

They're so focused on their great plays, they never look up at the scoreboard and
see that they're actually losing because they're not paying strict attention to all
the boring – but absolutely essential – parts of business that keep things on track
and in the black.

3. Don't be good, be great

If you're going to go through the effort of tackling somebody, why not take the
small extra step of trying to force a fumble?

The Saints did this and enough of their attempts succeeded that it won them
the game. Extra energy expended?
Just a little thought and consistency.

It's the same in business.

Too many folks just go through the motions and do everything "right,"
but fail to apply that little bit of extra tactical effort that can turn a common
place interaction into a game changing one.

It's the fine points relentlessly applied that can make all the difference.


1. If you've got a good leader, respect and protect him. If you are a good leader, expect the same from your team.

2. Do things right and pay at least equal attention to not doing things wrong

3. Why settle for being good when a little extra thought and execution can make you great?

- Ken

P.S. As promised, to celebrate last night's historic win,
I'm giving Saints fans – and all other smart business owners – a
one-time chance to join us on Sunday 31 January 2010.

in sixteen years, we have NEVER done anything like this before and
since the Saints are never going to Super Bowl again for the first time,
don't count on it happening twice.

This truly once in a lifetime training on how to get a better future for your family midday January 31, 2010.

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